A form of urban infrastructure planning, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), is on the rise. The goal of TOD is to revitalize inner city areas, especially near transportation hubs, and mitigate stress and pollution. When people walk, shop, play, commute and reside near train stations and other mass transit hubs, here are some of the benefits they can enjoy.
Benefits of Transit-Oriented Development

People who use mass transit are 81% less likely to become obese (over time).
Urban car ownership requires parking, and it costs between $4,200 (surface parking) to $37,300 (in an underground garage) to construct one parking space. This cost impacts residential rents and purchase prices.
Taking mass transit can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 76%, compared with driving.
Compared with rural and suburban dwellers, people who live near transit can travel up to 40% less vehicle-miles.
TOD has the potential to increase transit ridership by 20%-40%. This makes investment in transit more efficient and effective.
Eliminating one car per household can save nearly $12,000 annually.
TOD-type development patterns can slow traffic and reduce injuries and fatalities by up to 25% less than that of auto-oriented development.
TOD projects can generate 47%-63% more in tax revenues for every $1 invested than non-TOD projects.